8.9. BezierCurveGeom — Piecewise cubic Bezier curve

The BezierCurveGeom class represents a piecewise cubic curve in 3D space that is composed of an arbitrary number of cubic Bezier segments. The class stores a number of 3D points that are interpolated by the curve. Each point has an in tangent and an out tangent associated with it that define how the curve enters and leaves the point.

class BezierPoint(pos, intangent=vec3(0), outtangent=vec3(0))

This class just stores a position and the in and out tangents and is used to pass these parameters to the constructor of a BezierCurveGeom.

pos is a point position that the curve will interpolate.

intangent and outtangent define where the curve enters and leaves the point.

class BezierCurveGeom(pnts = None, closed = False, epsilon = 0.01, subdiv = 4, show_tangents = False)

pnts is a list of BezierPoint objects describing the points to interpolate and the in and out tangents.

If closed is set to True the last point will be connected to the first point.

epsilon is a threshold value that determines the accuracy of length calculations of the curve.

subdiv is the number of subdivisions that are made to draw the curve using OpenGL.

If show_tangents is set to True the OpenGL visualization will also show the in and out tangents.

A BezierCurveGeom has the following slots:

Slot Type Access Description
pnts_slot [vec3] rw The curve points
intangents_slot [vec3] rw The in tangents
outtangents_slot [vec3] rw The out tangents

This is a boolean indicating wheter the curve is closed or not. You can read and write this attribute.


The number of Bezier segments in the curve. You can only read this attribute.


This is a tuple (t_min, t_max) containing the valid parameter interval of the curve. You can only read this attribute.


Evaluate the curve at parameter t and return the curve point.


Evaluate the curve at parameter t and return the curve point, the tangent and the second derivative.


Return the first derivative (the tangent) at parameter t.


Return the arc length of the curve up to the point specified by the parameter t.


Return the entire length of the curve. This is equivalent to arcLen(t_max).

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