5.3. events — Standard event names and classes

This module defines the names of the standard events and the corresponding event classes.

The actual event name is a capitalized version of the symbol where all underscores are removed (for example, STEP_FRAME = "StepFrame").


This event is created whenever the timer is stepped forward one frame using timer.step(). The event takes no arguments.


This event is created to reset the simulation/animation. This effectively sets the time back to 0. Any component that has an internal state should connect to this method and reset its state whenever the event is signalled.


A key was pressed on the keyboard. The callback function receives a KeyEvent object as argument.


A key was released on the keyboard. The callback function receives a KeyEvent object as argument.


The left mouse button was pressed. The callback function receives a MouseButtonEvent object as argument.


The left mouse button was released. The callback function receives a MouseButtonEvent object as argument.


The middle mouse button was pressed. The callback function receives a MouseButtonEvent object as argument.


The middle mouse button was released. The callback function receives a MouseButtonEvent object as argument.


The right mouse button was pressed. The callback function receives a MouseButtonEvent object as argument.


The right mouse button was released. The callback function receives a MouseButtonEvent object as argument.


A mouse button other than the left, middle or right button was pressed. The callback function receives a MouseButtonEvent object as argument.


A mouse button other than the left, middle or right button was released. The callback function receives a MouseButtonEvent object as argument.


The mouse was moved. The callback function receives a MouseMoveEvent object as argument.


The mouse wheel was rotated. The callback function receives a MouseWheelEvent object as argument.


A SpaceMouse/SpaceBall was moved or rotated. The callback function receives a SpaceMotionEvent object as argument.


A SpaceMouse/SpaceBall button was pressed. The callback function receives a SpaceButtonEvent object as argument.


A SpaceMouse/SpaceBall button was released. The callback function receives a SpaceButtonEvent object as argument.


The user stopped moving/rotating the SpaceMouse/SpaceBall. The event takes no arguments.


A tablet (or similar pointing device) generated an event.


It actually depends on the application used to process a scene if a particular type of event occurs or not. For example, events like a key press or mouse move do occur in the interactive viewer tool, but not in the offline rendering tool.

5.3.1. KeyEvent object

The KeyEvent class is passed as argument to the KEY_PRESS and KEY_RELEASE events. The class contains the attributes key, keycode and mods (see the constructor for a description).

class cgkit.events.KeyEvent(key, keycode, mods=0)

key is a unicode string that contains the key that was pressed or released. The key is the translated key which means that it may depend on other keys (such as Shift) or previously pressed keys. For example, if you just press the ‘a’ key you receive a lower case ‘a’, but if you press Shift and ‘a’ then you will get an upper case ‘A’.

keycode is the code of the untranslated key that was pressed or released. The values for common keys are defined in the keydefs module (i.e. KEY_LEFT, KEY_UP, etc.).

mods contains the modifier flags which is a combination of KEYMOD_SHIFT, KEYMOD_CONTROL, KEYMOD_ALT and KEYMOD_META. The respective flag is set if the Shift, Control, Alt or Meta key was pressed while the event key was pressed or released.


Return True if the key is a Shift key (no matter if it is the left or right key).


Return True if the key is a Control key (no matter if it is the left or right key).


Return True if the key is an Alt key (no matter if it is the left or right key).

5.3.2. MouseButtonEvent object

The MouseButtonEvent class is passed as argument whenever a mouse button was pressed or released.

class cgkit.events.MouseButtonEvent(button, x, y, x0, y0)

button is the mouse button number (1 = left button, 2 = middle button, 3 = right button).

x/y is the pixel position of the mouse where 0/0 is the upper left corner.

x0/y0 is the normalized position of the mouse where each component lies in the range [0,1).

5.3.3. MouseWheelEvent object

The MouseWheelEvent class is passed as argument whenever the mouse wheel is rotated.

class cgkit.events.MouseWheelEvent(delta, x, y, x0, y0)

delta is the wheel delta (usually 120 if the wheel was rotated forward and -120 if the wheel was rotated backward).

x/y is the pixel position of the mouse where 0/0 is the upper left corner.

x0/y0 is the normalized position of the mouse where each component lies in the range [0,1).

5.3.4. MouseMoveEvent object

The MouseMoveEvent class is passed as argument whenever the mouse is moved.

class cgkit.events.MouseMoveEvent(x, y, dx, dy, x0, y0, dx0, dy0, buttons)

x/y is the pixel position of the mouse where 0/0 is the upper left corner.

dx/dy is the mouse delta, i.e. the distance travelled since the last event.

x0/y0 is the normalized position of the mouse where each component lies in the range [0,1).

dx0/dy0 is the normalized mouse delta.

buttons contains the mouse buttons that are currently pressed. Each bit corresponds to a mouse button (bit 0 = left button, bit 1 = middle button, etc.).

5.3.5. JoystickAxisEvent object

class cgkit.events.JoystickAxisEvent(joystick, axis, value)

5.3.6. JoystickHatEvent object

class cgkit.events.JoystickHatEvent(joystick, hat, x, y)

5.3.7. JoystickBallEvent object

class cgkit.events.JoystickBallEvent(joystick, ball, value)

5.3.8. JoystickButtonEvent object

class cgkit.events.JoystickButtonEvent(joystick, button)

5.3.9. SpaceMotionEvent object

class cgkit.events.SpaceMotionEvent(translation, rotation, period)

translation is a vec3 containing the curreent translation of the space mouse. The coordinate system of the space mouse is left handed and such that the X axis points to the right, the Y axis upwards and the Z axis into the screen.

rotation is a vec3 containing the current rotation of the space mouse. The vector is the rotation axis and the magnitude represents the angle.

period is the time in milliseconds since the last device event.

5.3.10. SpaceButtonEvent object

class cgkit.events.SpaceButtonEvent(button)