7.12. FreeCamera — Free camera

The FreeCamera class can be freely positioned and oriented in the scene.

class FreeCamera(name = "FreeCamera", fov = 45.0, target = None, focallength = 0, fstop = 0, auto_nearfar = True, nearplane = 0.1, farplane = 1000.0)

fov is the field of view in degrees (in vertical direction), i.e. the angle between the bottom and the top of the screen.

target is the point that the camera will initially look at. If no target is specified the camera remains in its default orientation. Note that the target is only used to compute an initial orientation. The orientation will not be updated if the camera moves (use a TargetCamera if you want that behavior).

focallength is the focal length of the camera and fstop the aperture number that determines the lens diameter. These values are used to turn on depth of field. Depth of field is activated if both attributes are set to a value different from 0 (note however, that not every renderer supports depth of field). The focal distance is set so that the target point will always be in focus.

auto_nearfar specifies whether the near and far plane distances are automatically determined or if fixed values are used. If set to False, the nearplane and farplane arguments are used, otherwise the values are computed from the objects in the scene. In the latter case, the nearplane value still serves as minimum value for the near plane distance which is used when the camera is located within the scene bounds.

The FreeCamera class has the following slots (in addition to the slots of the WorldObject base class):

Slot Type Access Description
fov_slot float rw Field of view in degrees
focallength_slot float rw Focal length of the camera
fstop_slot float rw Aperture number
autonearfar_slot bool rw Automatically compute near/far values?
nearplane_slot float rw (Minimal) near plane distance
farplane_slot float rw Far plane distance
FreeCamera.projection(width, height, near, far)

Returns the projection matrix for a viewport with the given width and height (actually only the ratio width/height is relevant). The near and far clipping planes are set to near and far.


Returns the view transformation for this camera.

FreeCamera.eyeRay(x0, y0, width, height)

Return a ray whose origin is at the eye position and that goes through a given point on the image plane. The point on the plane is given by (x0, y0) which each ranges from 0 to 1. (0,0) is at the upper left and (1,1) at the lower right corner. The arguments width and height determine the ratio of the image plane (the absolute values of width and height are irrelevant). The return value is a 2-tuple (p, u) where p is the ray origin and u the normalized direction. Both vectors are given in world space.


Return a 2-tuple (near, far) with the distances to the near and far clipping planes. If automatic computation is disabled, the method just returns the stored values, otherwise the values are computed from the bounding box of the scene (which is converted to a bounding sphere and the clipping planes are set as tangent planes to the sphere).

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7.11. TargetCamera — Target camera

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7.13. GLPointLight — OpenGL point light

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