6.10. GnuPlotter — Plot values using Gnuplot

The GnuPlotter class can be used to plot the graph of a floating point slot. To do so, connect any DoubleSlot to an input slot of the plotter. The input slots are called input<n>_slot where <n> is the number of the slot.

class GnuPlotter(name = "GnuPlotter", title = None, xlabel = None, ylabel = None, xrange = None, yrange = None, inputs = 1, plottitles =[], starttime = 0.0, endtime = 99999.0, enabled = True, auto_insert = True)

title is a string containing the title of the entire plot.

xlabel, ylabel are strings containing the labels for the X and Y axis.

xrange, yrange is each a 2-tuple (start, end) containing the range of the X axis resp. Y axis.

inputs is the number of input slots that should be created (i.e. the number of curves you want to plot).

plottitles is a list of strings containing the name of the respective curve.

starttime and endtime defines the range in which values are received and plotted. The times are given in seconds.

enabled is a flag that can be used to disable the plotter.

A GnuPlotter object has the following slots:

Slot Type Access Description
input1_slot float rw First curve
input2_slot float rw Second curve
... ... ... ...


To use the GnuPlotter component the Gnuplot.py module has to be installed on your system (and of course, gnuplot itself as well).

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6.9. FlockOfBirds — Retrieving values from an Ascension Flock of Birds motion tracker

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