The Python Computer Graphics Kit is a generic 3D package that can be useful in any domain where you have to deal with 3D data of any kind, be it for visualization, creating photorealistic images, Virtual Reality or even games.
At its lowest level, the package provides the basic functionality that is useful for writing your own tools that process 3D data. For example, the cgtypes module defines the fundamental types for Computer Graphics such as vectors and matrices, the ri and cri modules contain the complete RenderMan API to create RIB files, and so on.
Using these relatively low level modules the second level provides the functionality to store a 3D scene in memory. The scene can be manipulated in Python and visualized using dedicated tools to either render the scene using OpenGL or a RenderMan renderer.
When the package is installed from the sources there is the option to install it as a “light” version. The light version only consists of pure Python modules and has no dependencies during installation. In particular, you don’t need a C/C++ compiler or any external library. Some modules, such as cgtypes, that are actually implemented in C++ will be replaced by an alternative pure Python implementation so that the functionality is still there, even though it will be less efficient. This light version is meant to be used on any platform where the C++ support library and/or the wrapper modules cannot be compiled for whatever reasons and the setup script fails.
The downside of the light version, of course, is that you only get a fraction of the functionality from the full installation. Most of the generic modules will be available whereas the 3D scene management will not be available.
An attempt to import modules from the full installation will result in an ImportError exception.
The alternative pure Python implementations from the light version are also available in the full installation in the cgkit.light sub package. Usually you will not need this sub package, but there might be situations where a pure Python implementation will have advantages over a C++ implementation.
Some parts of this package make use of other external Python packages that are not part of the standard Python installation. Whenever such functionality is used the corresponding external package must be available or an exception is raised. In general, the modules in cgkit try to delay such an exception to the point where the functionality in the respective module is actually used instead of raising the exception when the module is being imported. For example, you don’t have to install PyOpenGL, PIL or pygame if you only write command line tools that never do a visualization.
As long as only the general purpose modules or the ‘light’ version of cgkit (see section cgkit light) is used there is no external dependency. If cgkit is used to create and process a scene in memory then the following packages might get used:
Some individual components might have other dependencies which is documented on the respective page. However, as long as you don’t use those components you don’t have to install the additional packages. So far, these are:
Windows: If you haven’t already done so, it is recommended to add the Scripts directory of your Python installation to your PATH environment variable as this is the place where additional tools are installed.
This section gives a short introduction in the usage of the cgkit package. In the first example, you create a simple scene that just has one sphere (sort of a “Hello World” scene). To do so, create a file called “” that contains the following line:
Now launch the viewer tool passing the above file as argument (if you have downloaded the source package, don’t invoke the viewer tool from inside the cgkit directory. If you do, Python will load the cgkit package from the wrong directory and you’ll get an ImportError exception):
The result should look something like this:
The viewer tool reads the contents of the file which in this case is an ordinary Python file and displays the scene using OpenGL. When the input file is processed via the viewer tool it is executed in a special environment where a couple of modules have already been imported. That’s why calling Sphere() doesn’t result in a NameError exception. If you import the relevant modules yourself you can also call the script without the viewer tool (however, you wouldn’t get a visualization of the scene then). You can also create the above scene directly in a Python shell:
>>> from cgkit.all import *
>>> Sphere()
<cgkit.quadrics.Sphere object at 0x051CC2D0>
The first line imports all you need from cgkit which has to be done manually now. The second line creates an instance of the Sphere class. Usually, each object automatically inserts itself into the scene, so we don’t have to keep the resulting reference. Now let’s create another object:
>>> b=Box(name="Cube", pos=(1.5,2,0))
>>> listWorld()
+---Cube (Box)
+---Sphere (Sphere)
The first line creates a box object. This time we are passing a couple of parameters like the object’s name and its position and we store the object in the variable b so we can manipulate the box afterwards. The second line calls the listWorld() function which prints a tree representation of the current scene. Now it’s time for a little nitpicking, actually the function only displays the world (hence its name) and not the entire scene. The world is what you see, it stores all 3D objects that have a visual representation and is part of the scene. The whole scene also contains other objects such as the timer, animation curves, etc. An object stored in the scene is called a component and an object stored in the world is, well, a world object (which is also a component as it is also part of the scene). But back to the example. We have kept a reference to the box, so let’s see what we can do with it:
>>> = "The Cube"
>>> listWorld()
+---Sphere (Sphere)
+---The Cube (Box)
>>> b.pos
(1.5, 2, 0)
>>> b.pos=vec3(1,0,2)
>>> b.pos
(1, 0, 2)
>>> b.scale
(1, 1, 1)
Every world object has a set of attributes that defines its state. The exact set of attributes depends on the type of object, but there are some common attributes that every world object has such as a name or a position.
In the first example, we were only specifying one sphere with its default attributes, that’s why we had some geometry in the scene. But for a 3D scene to be displayed you usually need two more ingredients: a camera and some light. In the above case, a default camera and light source was created by the viewer tool. In the following example, we specify a complete scene, including a camera, two colored light sources and a sphere with a material assigned to it. Create a file “” with the following content:
pos = (3,2,2),
target = (0,0,0)
pos = (3, -1, 2),
diffuse = (1, 0.7, 0.2)
pos = (-5, 3, 0),
diffuse = (0.2, 0.2, 0.5),
intensity = 3.0
name = "My Sphere",
radius = 1.0,
material = GLMaterial(
diffuse = (0.7, 1, 0.7)
Display the scene by calling:
The result is this:
Using the Alt key in combination with the three mouse buttons you can even navigate around in the scene (if you reach a pole the camera position will jump around. This is because we are using a TargetCamera that always tries to align its local “up” direction with the global “up” direction, so this type of camera can’t be “upside down”).
If you have a RenderMan renderer installed (there are free ones available such as 3Delight, Aqsis or Pixie) you can try to visualize the above scene with a different tool:
> -r<renderer>
<renderer> has to be replaced with either 3delight, aqsis or pixie. This tool will display the same scene, but this time not using OpenGL but the specified renderer. The result looks similar than before but is much smoother:
So if you want to create photorealistic images you can use the viewer tool for previews and the render tool for creating the final image.
This section gives an overview of the component framework that is the basis for creating a dynamic 3D scene, i.e. one that is animated/simulated. The basic mechanism is quite simple to understand and you might already know it from other graphics packages as it is a common concept in computer graphics software. The basic idea is to have some black boxes that can generate values that vary with time and that can be connected to the attributes we want to be animated. For example, one such black box could output a three-dimensional vector which could then be connected to the position of a teapot. If this black box now produces a series of values that lie on a particular curve we have an animation of a teapot traveling along that curve.
In this package those black boxes and the teapot are called components. A component is a container for slots which represent the input or output values of their respective component. In the above example, the output value of the “curve point generator” and the position of the teapot are slots. You can also view them as “animatable attributes” of an object if they mainly serve as input values. Most slots can either serve as input value or output value. However, if the value of a slot is actually computed by some algorithm then this slot can only be used as output slot.
As a general rule, the actual slot corresponding to an attribute is obtained by adding the suffix _slot to the attribute name. Here is an example where two spheres s1 and s2 are created and the position of s1 is connected to the position of s2 which means s2 will always have the same position as s1:
>>> from cgkit import *
>>> s1=Sphere(pos=(1,2,3))
>>> s2=Sphere(pos=(-1,0,5))
>>> s1.pos
(1, 2, 3)
>>> s2.pos
(-1, 0, 5)
# Connect the positions
>>> s1.pos_slot.connect(s2.pos_slot)
# Now s2 has the same position as s1
>>> s2.pos
(1, 2, 3)
# Changing the position of s1 will also change the position of s2
>>> s1.pos=vec3(-5,12,42)
>>> s2.pos
(-5, 12, 42)
Each world object has a position and orientation in space. This transformation can be described by a matrix that represents the object’s local coordinate system. The local coordinate system L stored in each world object is given with respect to its parent coordinate system which usually is just the world coordinate system unless you have linked two objects. If you want the local coordinate system with respect to the world system you have to travel up the transformation hierarchy and concatenate all local systems (however, you don’t have to do that yourself as a world object already has an attribute worldtransform which does this for you).
The geometry of a world object is given with respect to the local coordinate system L. So this is the matrix that’s required during rendering. You get L by calling localTransform() on the respective world object.
So far, if you would apply a rotation to an object it would rotate around the origin or if you would scale the object the center of the scale would lie in the origin. This is not always the desired behavior and that’s why you can specify a pivot point, or rather, a pivot transformation or offset transformation P. This transformation is given with respect to L and is the identity by default. You can get and set this transformation using the getOffsetTransform() and setOffsetTransform() methods.
The concatenation of L and P is the transformation T ().
This is what the transform, pos, rot and scale slots of a world object
describe. So if you modify the transform slot you also modify L whereas P always
remains constant, unless you change it explicitly via setOffsetTransform().
Here is a simple code example where you can see the effects when modifying the different transformations:
>>> s = Sphere()
>>> s.pos = vec3(1,2,0)
>>> s.pos
<1, 2, 0>
>>> s.setOffsetTransform(mat4().translation(vec3(2,4,7)))
>>> s.pos
<3, 6, 7>
>>> s.pos = vec3(0,0,0)
>>> s.pos
<0, 0, 0>
>>> s.localTransform()
[1, 0, 0, -2]
[0, 1, 0, -4]
[0, 0, 1, -7]
[0, 0, 0, 1]