7.19. MayaSpotLight — Maya spot light

class MayaSpotLight(name = "MayaSpotLight", enabled = True, color = (1, 1, 1), intensity = 1.0, decayRate = 0, coneAngle = 40, penumbraAngle = 40, dropoff = 0, useDepthMapShadows = False, dmapResolution = 512, useMidDistDmap = True, useDmapAutoFocus = True, dmapFocus = 90.0, dmapFilterSize = 1, dmapBias = 0.001, target = (0, 0, 0))

enabled is a boolean flag that can be used to turn the light source on or off.

intensity is the overall intensity of the light source. The higher the value, the brighter the light.

color defines the color of the light source. It must be a sequence of 3 floats containing RGB values.


target is the target point that the light source aims at.

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7.18. SpotLight3DS — 3DS spot light

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7.20. RMLightSource — RenderMan light source

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