4.6. pointcloud — Read and write RenderMan point cloud files

This module allows reading and writing RenderMan point cloud files. The module relies on an external shared library that implements the actual low-level access to the point cloud file. This library is not part of cgkit but must be provided by the renderer package that you are using (for example, PRMan or 3Delight). Without such a library you won’t be able to read or write any point cloud file using this module.

The module provides one single function open() which opens a point cloud file for reading or writing.

cgkit.pointcloud.open(fileName, mode="r", libName=None, ...)

Open a point cloud file for reading or writing.

fileName is the name of the point cloud file. mode is either "r" for reading a file or "w" for writing a new point cloud file. libName is the library name that implements the point cloud API. When mode is "w", the following additional keyword arguments must be present:

  • vars: A list of tuples (type, name) that defines what additional variables to write
  • world2eye: The world2eye matrix
  • world2ndc: The world2ndc matrix
  • format: A tuple (xres, yres, aspect)

Depending on the mode, the function either returns a PtcReader or PtcWriter object.

4.6.1. PtcReader object

A PtcReader object as returned by the open() function handles reading point cloud files. The object has the following attributes and methods:

class cgkit.pointcloud.PtcReader

The file name.


A list of tuples (type, name) that specifies what additional variables are stored in the file. The order of the variables in the file is that of the list.


The number of points in the file.


The size of the data part per point (in number of floats).


A list of 6 floats specifying the bounding box of the point cloud.


The format tuple (xres, yres, aspect).


The world-to-eye matrix as a list of 16 floats in row-major order.


The world-to-ndc matrix as a list of 16 floats in row-major order.


Close the point cloud file.


Iterate over all attributes defined in the file. Yields tuples (name, value).


Read the next data point. Returns a tuple (pos, normal, radius, dataDict) where pos and normal are 3-tuples of floats, radius is a single float and dataDict a dictionary with the extra variables that are attached to the point. If no more point is available an EOFError exception is thrown. An IOErrror exception is thrown when an error occurs during reading or when the file has already been closed.

Note that reading a large file using this method will be slow because every single point has to be read by a dedicated Python call. If you can process the points in batches, you should rather use the readDataPoints() method which will be a lot faster because a single Python call will read an entire sequence of points at once.

readDataPoints(numPoints, buffer)

Read a sequence of data points. numPoints is the number of points to read. buffer is either a single buffer that will receive all values or a tuple (pointbuf, normalbuf, radiusbuf, databuf) that contains the individual buffers for the respective values. A buffer must always be large enough to hold numPoints values. The function accepts ctypes arrays as buffers or any sequence object that supports the array interface (such as numpy arrays).

The return value is the number of points that have actually been read (additional items in the buffers remain at their previous value). When 0 is returned, the end of the file has been reached


Iterate over all the points in the file. Yields tuples (point, normal, radius, data) for every point in the file. This is equivalent to calling readDataPoint() repeatedly.

iterBatches(batchSize=1000, combinedBuffer=False, numpyArray=False)

Iterate over point batches. Reads batchSize points at once and yields one or more buffers containing the data. combinedBuffer determines whether all data is written into one single buffer or if there is an individual buffer for the point, normal, radius and data. numpyArray determines whether the buffers are created as numpy arrays or ctypes arrays. The buffers will always contain batchSize elements unless it is the last buffer returned which may have a smaller size.

4.6.2. PtcWriter object

A PtcWriter object as returned by the open() function handles writing point cloude files. The object has the following attributes and methods:

class cgkit.pointcloud.PtcWriter

The file name.


The size of the data part per point (in number of floats).


Close the point cloud file.

writeDataPoint(point, normal, radius, data)

Write a point into the point cloud file. point and normal are vectors (any 3-sequence of floats) and radius a float. data is a dictionary that contains the extra variables that must have been declared when the file was opened. Undeclared values are ignored, missing declared values are set to 0.

writeDataPoints(numPoints, buffer)

Write a sequence of data points. numPoints is the number of points to write. buffer is either a single buffer that contains all values or a tuple (pointbuf, normalbuf, radiusbuf, databuf) that each contains the respective value. The buffers must contain at least numPoints items. The function accepts ctypes arrays as buffers or any sequence object that supports the array interface (such as numpy arrays).

4.6.3. Examples

You create a new point cloud file like this:

>>> from cgkit.cgtypes import *
>>> from cgkit import pointcloud
>>> ptc = pointcloud.open("cloud.ptc", "w", "3delight", vars=[("float", "foo")],
                          world2eye=mat4(1), world2ndc=mat4(1), format=(640,480,1))
>>> ptc.name
>>> ptc.datasize

The data size of 1 means there is one additional float attached to each point which is the extra variable foo. Once the file is open you can write individual points like this:

>>> ptc.writeDataPoint((0.5,0.3,0.9), (0,0,1), 1.0, {"foo":0.75})

Writing each point individually will be slow though. If possible you should try to gather a larger number of points and write them with a single call like this (for the sake of the example, we just create three points manually):

>>> pnts = (9*ctypes.c_float)(1.5,0.5,0.8, 0.8,0.9,1.0, 0.1,0.2,0.3)
>>> normals = (9*ctypes.c_float)(0,0,1, 1,0,0, 0,1,0)
>>> rads = (3*ctypes.c_float)(0.6, 0.7, 0.8)
>>> datas = (3*ptc.datasize*ctypes.c_float)(0.4, 0.3, 0.2)
>>> ptc.writeDataPoints(3, (pnts,normals,rads,datas))
>>> ptc.close()

The file can then be read again as follows:

>>> ptc = pointcloud.open("cloud.ptc", "r", "3delight")
>>> ptc.name
>>> ptc.npoints
>>> ptc.datasize
>>> ptc.variables
[('float', 'foo')]
>>> ptc.world2eye
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
>>> ptc.bbox
[-1.3333333730697632, -1.3333333730697632, -1.3333333730697632, 2.6666667461395264, 2.6666667461395264, 2.6666667461395264]
>>> ptc.format
(640.0, 480.0, 1.0)

Once the file is open, the data can be read in various ways. If you want to process each point individually in Python, you could either use the readDataPoint() method or just iterate over all the points:

>>> for p in ptc.iterPoints(): print p
((0.5, 0.30000001192092896, 0.89999997615814209), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0, {'foo': 0.75})
((1.5, 0.5, 0.80000001192092896), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0.60000002384185791, {'foo': 0.40000000596046448})
((0.80000001192092896, 0.89999997615814209, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.69999998807907104, {'foo': 0.30000001192092896})
((0.10000000149011612, 0.20000000298023224, 0.30000001192092896), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 0.80000001192092896, {'foo': 0.20000000298023224})

Again, this will be slow for large point cloud files. If your application allows batch processing the points or you interface with C code, it will be faster to read several points at once (this time we use numpy instead of ctypes for creating a buffer):

>>> import numpy
>>> buf = numpy.zeros(shape=(5, 7+ptc.datasize), dtype=numpy.float32)
>>> ptc.readDataPoints(5, buf)
>>> print buf
[[ 0.5         0.30000001  0.89999998  0.          0.          1.          1.
   0.75      ]
 [ 1.5         0.5         0.80000001  0.          0.          1.
   0.60000002  0.40000001]
 [ 0.80000001  0.89999998  1.          1.          0.          0.
   0.69999999  0.30000001]
 [ 0.1         0.2         0.30000001  0.          1.          0.
   0.80000001  0.2       ]
 [ 0.          0.          0.          0.          0.          0.          0.
   0.        ]]
>>> ptc.readDataPoints(5, buf)

Instead of a single buffer, you could again pass four individual buffers just like above when we were writing the file.

You could also leave the buffer creation up to the point cloud handle and just iterate over buffers (output slightly reformatted for better readability):

>>> for buffers in ptc.iterBatches(numpyArray=True): print buffers
(array([[ 0.5       ,  0.30000001,  0.89999998],
       [ 1.5       ,  0.5       ,  0.80000001],
       [ 0.80000001,  0.89999998,  1.        ],
       [ 0.1       ,  0.2       ,  0.30000001]],dtype=float32),
array([[ 0.,  0.,  1.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  1.],
       [ 1.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  0.]], dtype=float32),
array([ 1.        ,  0.60000002,  0.69999999,  0.80000001], dtype=float32),
array([[ 0.75      ],
       [ 0.40000001],
       [ 0.30000001],
       [ 0.2       ]], dtype=float32))