4.2.5. quat - quaternions

A quat represents a quaternion type that can be used to store rotations. A quaternion contains four values of which one can be seen as the angle and the other three as the axis of rotation. The most common way to initialize a quaternion is by specifying an angle (in radians) and the axis of rotation:

# initialize the quaternion by specifying an angle and the axis of rotation
q = quat(0.5*pi, vec3(0,0,1))

# initialize by specifying a rotation matrix (as mat3 or mat4)
q = quat(R)

# all components are set to zero
q = quat()

(0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)

# set the w component
q = quat(2.5)

(0.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)

# set all four components (w,x,y,z)
q = quat(1,0,0,0)
q = quat([1,0,0,0])
q = quat("1,0,0,0")

(1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)

Finally, you can initialize a quaternion with a copy of another quaternion:

q = quat(r)

Mathematical operations:

The mathematical operators are supported with the following combination of types:

quat  =  quat + quat
quat  =  quat - quat
quat  =  quat * quat
quat  = float * quat
quat  =  quat * float
quat  =  quat / float
quat  = -quat
quat  =  quat ** float = pow(quat, float)   (new in version 1.1)
quat  =  quat ** quat  = pow(quat, quat)    (new in version 1.1)

Additionally, you can compare quaternions with == and !=. Taking the absolute value will return the magnitude of the quaternion:

float = abs(q)
class quat([args])

Return the conjugate (w, -x, -y, -z) of the quaternion.


Returns the normalized quaternion. If the method is called on the null vector a ZeroDivisionError is raised.


Return the inverse of the quaternion.


Returns a tuple containing the angle (in radians) and the axis of rotation. The returned axis can also be zero if the rotation is actually the identity.

fromAngleAxis(angle, axis)

Initializes self from an angle (in radians) and an axis of rotation and returns self. The initialized quaternion will be a unit quaternion. Passing the null vector as axis has the same effect as passing an angle of 0 (i.e. the quaternion will be set to (1,0,0,0)).


Convert the quaternion into a rotation matrix and return the matrix as a mat3.


Convert the quaternion into a rotation matrix and return the matrix as a mat4.


Initialize self from a rotation matrix, given either as a mat3 or a mat4 and returns self. matrix must be a rotation matrix (i.e. the determinant is 1), if you have a matrix that is made up of other parts as well, call matrix.decompose() to get the rotation part.


Returns the dot product of self with quaternion b. — New in version 1.1.


Returns the natural logarithm of self. — New in version 1.1.


Returns the exponential of self. — New in version 1.1.


Return the rotated vector v. The quaternion must be a unit quaternion. This operation is equivalent to turning v into a quat, computing self*v*self.conjugate() and turning the result back into a vec3. — New in version 2.0.

Related functions:

slerp(t, q0, q1, shortest=True)

Performs a spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions q0 and q1. For t*=0.0 the return value equals *q0, for t*=1.0 it equals *q1. q0 and q1 must be unit quaternions. If shortest is True the interpolation will always be along the shortest path, otherwise it depends on the orientation of the input quaternions whether the shortest or longest path will be taken (you can switch between the paths by negating either q0 or q1).

squad(t, a, b, c, d)

Performs a spherical cubic interpolation between quaternion a and d where quaternion b and c define the shape of the interpolation curve. For t*=0.0 the return value equals *a, for t*=1.0 it equals *d. All quaternions must be unit quaternions.

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4.2.4. mat4 - 4x4 matrix

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4.3. ri — Generic RenderMan binding to produce RIB

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