6.7. Tunnel — Connect slots located on different machines

A Tunnel is a component that has an arbitrary number of input slots and a corresponding output slot for each input slot. The value of the input slot is simply passed to the output slot. The speciality of the tunnel is that both ends may reside on two different machines.


An instance of the tunnel component either represents the input part (client) or the output part (server). Value changes on the client are then propagated via UDP datagrams to the server. When creating either side of the tunnel you have to define the name and type of the slots that should be created. The slot types of the client and the server should always match.


ArraySlots are currently not supported.

class Tunnel(name = "Tunnel", server = False, slots = None, port = 64738, host = "localhost", gather_messages = False, verbose = False, auto_insert = True)

server determines which end of the tunnel is created. The server is always the “end” of a tunnel, i.e. where the values leave the tunnel.

slots specifies the slots to create on the tunnel. It must be a list of 2-tuples containing two strings. The first string is the name of the attribute and the second contains the type and initializer of the slot (in Python syntax). The order and types of the slots on the client and server should always match.

port is the port number to use for the data transfer. The server listens on this port and the client sends its data to this port on the target machine.

host is a string containing the name or IP address of the target machine where the server part of the tunnel is located. This parameter is only used on the client side.

gather_messages determines whether value change messages should be gathered and sent as one single message or not. If this flag is False, a message will be sent to the server whenever the value of a slot changes. However, sometimes it may be the case that you can guarantee that all slots will change their value at the same time. In such cases, you can set gather_messages to True which will have the effect that all messages are collected and delayed until the last slot receives its new value. Only then will the value changes be sent as one big message which increases the network performance.

If you set verbose to True the component will print some messages so you can follow what it is doing.

Here is an example of a sphere whose position is controlled by a remote machine:

# Server code (machine A):

# Create a sphere...
s = Sphere()

# ...and the end of a tunnel that has one Vec3Slot called "pos"
t = Tunnel(
    server = True,
    slots = [("pos", "Vec3Slot()")]

# Connect the tunnel slot with the position of the sphere

Execute this script with the viewer tool on machine A:

viewer.py server.py

On the remote machine (the client) you can set the position of the above sphere with the following code:

# Client code (machine B):

from cgkit import *

# Create the "entrance" of the tunnel...
t = Tunnel(
    slots = [("pos", "Vec3Slot()")],
    host = "<name or IP of machine A>"

# Move the sphere to position (1,0,0)

You can call this script by invoking it directly on machine B:

python client.py

Calling the client code will move the sphere in the first program to the position (1,0,0).


As the underlying transport mechanism is using UDP datagrams there is no error reporting mechanism. The client has no chance of knowing whether a value change was properly propagated to the server or not. So if you encounter any problems such as the sphere in the above example not moving to another position, you can set the verbose flag to True and additionally check the following points:

  • Do the port numbers on the client and server match?
  • Did you specify the correct host name (or IP address) on the client side?
  • Is there a firewall blocking the network traffic?
  • Did you set gather_messages to True and the last slot does not receive any new values? (try to set gather_messages to False)

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6.6. ValueTable — Animate a value from a table of values

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6.8. ODEDynamics — Rigid body dynamics using the Open Dynamics Engine

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