8.5. PlaneGeom — Plane geometry

class PlaneGeom(lx=1.0, ly=1.0, segmentsx=1, segmentsy=1)

lx and ly specify the dimensions of the plane in the respective direction.

segmentsx and segmentsy are the number of segments in each direction.

A PlaneGeom has the following slots:

Slot Type Access Description
lx_slot float rw The length in x direction
ly_slot float rw The length in y direction
segmentsx_slot int rw The number of segments in x direction
segmentsy_slot int rw The number of segments in y direction

The length in x direction.


The length in y direction.


The number of segments in x direction.


The number of segments in y direction.

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8.4. CCylinderGeom — Capped cylinder geometry

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8.6. TorusGeom — Torus geometry

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