radius is the radius of the cylinder and caps in the local coordinate system.
length is the length of the cylinder (not counting the caps).
segmentsu is the number of segments in u direction, segmentsvl the number of segments of the cylinder part and segmentsvr the number of segments for each cap.
A CCylinderGeom has the following slots:
Slot | Type | Access | Description |
cog_slot | vec3 | r | The local center of gravity |
inertiatensor_slot | mat3 | r | The local inertia tensor |
radius_slot | float | rw | The radius of the cylinder |
length_slot | float | rw | The lenght of the cylinder |
segmentsu_slot | int | rw | The number of segments in u direction |
segmentsvl_slot | int | rw | The number of cylinder segments in v direction |
segmentsvr_slot | int | rw | The number of cap segments in v direction |
Center of gravity with respect to the local coordinate system.
Inertia tensor with respect to the local coordinate system.
The radius of the cylinder and caps.
The length of the cylinder (not counting the caps).
The number of segments in u direction.
The number of cylinder segments in v direction.
The number of cap segments in v direction.