9.2. RMMaterial — RenderMan material

The RMMaterial class is a special material that is only of use if you are creating images via a RenderMan renderer and you want to write your shaders in external shader files or use shaders that are already compiled.

The material may consist of a surface shader, a displacement shader and an interior shader. The shader source files (or only the shader names) are passed via RMShader instances as arguments to the constructor. If the RMShader instance points to a file, the material object will take care of the compilation of the file. Otherwise, it is up to you to compile the shader and make sure that the renderer can find it.

class RMMaterial(name = "RMMaterial", surface = None, displacement = None, displacementbound = ("current", 0.0), interior = None, color = None, opacity = None)

surface specifies the surface shader to use. It can either be a string containing the shader name or a RMShader instance representing the shader. You can also pass None if no surface shader should be instantiated.

displacment specifies the displacment shader to use. It can either be a string containing the shader name or a RMShader instance representing the shader. You can also pass None if no displacment shader should be instantiated.

displacementbound is a tuple (coordinate system, distance) that specifies the maximum displacement. The distance is the maximum amount that a surface point is displaced and is given in the specified coordinate system.

interior specifies the interior shader to use. It can either be a string containing the shader name or a RMShader instance representing the shader. You can also pass None if no interior shader should be instantiated.

color is the color that should be set via RiColor().

opacity is the opacity that should be set via RiOpacity().

The parameters of the shaders are made available as attributes of the material objects. The corresponding slots can be obtained by adding the suffix _slot to the name. Attribute names in the surface shader have priority over the attributes in the displacement shader which in turn has priority over the interior shader. This means, if there are identical parameter names in all shaders you will access the parameter of the surface shader. You can also access the attributes of each shader via the surface, displacement and interior attributes which contain the corresponding RMShader instances.


mat = RMMaterial(surface = RMShader("mysurface.sl"),
                 displacement = RMShader("c:\\shaders\\dented.sl"),
                 color = (1,0.5,0.8)
Sphere(pos=(1,2,3), radius=0.5, material=mat)

In this example, the material uses the surface shader mysurface.sl and the displacement shader c:\shaders\dented.sl. The shaders will be compiled automatically because the shader source files are given (instead of just the shader names).

9.2.1. RMShader — RenderMan shader

The RMShader class encapsulates a single RenderMan shader.

class RMShader(shader = None, transform = mat4(1), cpp = None, cpperrstream = sys.stderr, includedirs = None, defines = None, params = None, paramlist)

shader is either the name of a shader or the shader source file. If a shader file is given then the shader is read to extract the parameters. Each parameter will be made available as slot.

transform is a mat4 containing a transformation that should be applied to the shader. This means you can transform the shader relative to the object it is applied to.

cpp determines the preprocessor that should be used when extracting parameters. cpperrstream is used to output errors from the preprocessor. includedirs is a list of strings that contain directories where to look for include files. defines is a list of tuples (name, value) that specify the predefined symbols to use (see the function slparams.slparams() (section slparams — Extracting RenderMan Shader parameters) for details).

params can be used to declare parameters if the shader source is not available. The value must be a dictionary that contains token/value pairs. The token may contain an inline declaration.

Any additional keyword argument is also considered to be a shader parameter. However, this parameter cannot have an inline declaration, so it is recommended to declare the parameter afterwards using the declare() method, otherwise no declaration will be written in the RIB file and you have to care about the declaration yourself.


Return the shader name or None if the name is not known.


Return the shader type as a string ("surface", "displacement", "light", ...) or None if the type is not known.

RMShader.declare(name, type=None, cls=None, arraysize=None, default=None)

Declare a shader parameter. name is the parameter name. name may also contain the entire declaration in SL syntax. In this case, all other arguments are ignored, otherwise they provide the missing information. type is the only parameter that is mandatory if name does not contain the entire declaration. It contains the name of the SL parameter type (float, string, color, point, vector, normal, matrix). cls is the storage class (uniform, varying). arraysize specifies the size of the array and default contains the default value.

When a parameter is declared it is added to the list of known parameters and a corresponding slot (<name>_slot) is created.


shader.declare('uniform float Ka=0.5')
shader.declare('uniform float Ka')
shader.declare('float Ka')
shader.declare('Ka', type='float')

A parameter that was specified in the constructor is used as default value when the parameter is declared. In this case, any default value passed to the declare() method is ignored.


Return a dictionary containing the parameters for the current time. The key is the parameter name (containing an inline declaration if available) and the value is the current value of the parameter.

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