radius is the radius in the local coordinate system.
segmentsu and segmentsv are used when the sphere has to be tesselated (either for interactive display or when converted to a triangle mesh).
A SphereGeom has the following slots:
Slot | Type | Access | Description |
cog_slot | vec3 | r | The local center of gravity |
inertiatensor_slot | mat3 | r | The local inertia tensor |
radius_slot | float | rw | The radius |
segmentsu_slot | int | rw | The number of segments in u direction |
segmentsv_slot | int | rw | The number of segments in v direction |
Center of gravity with respect to the local coordinate system.
Inertia tensor with respect to the local coordinate system.
The radius of the sphere.
The number of segments in u direction.
The number of segments in v direction.