Python Maya Package
Front Matter
Python Maya Package
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Installing the package
3. Maya Python plugin
3.1 MEL command: py
3.2 MEL command: pySource
3.3 Environment variables
4. Python maya package
4.1 initmaya -- Package initialization
4.2 mel -- Wrappers around the MEL commands
4.3 api -- Wrappers around the Maya C++ SDK
4.3.1 MArgList
4.3.2 MArgParser
4.3.3 MColor
4.3.4 MCommandResult
4.3.5 MDagMessage
4.3.6 MFloatMatrix
4.3.7 MFloatPoint
4.3.8 MFnNurbsCurve
4.3.9 MFnTransform
4.3.10 MGlobal
4.3.11 MMatrix
4.3.12 MNodeMessage
4.3.13 MPoint
4.3.14 MPolyMessage
4.3.15 MPxCommand
4.3.16 MSceneMessage
4.3.17 MTimerMessage
4.3.18 MUserEventMessage
4.3.19 MVector
4.4 gui -- GUI classes
4.4.1 Controls
4.4.2 Layouts
4.4.3 Menus
4.5 remote -- Initialization functions
4.6 remote.mel -- Invoke remote MEL commands
4.7 remote.melserver -- Contains the MEL server class
4.8 unittest -- Unit test framework
5. Todo
A. License
Python Maya Package
Front Matter
Python Maya Package
1. Introduction
Release 0.9.3, documentation updated on October 9, 2006.