Here is a list of things that still have to be done:
- api: Some SDK classes are still missing (see below).
- api: Some automatically generated methods cannot be invoked in Python or are missing entirely (because they take pointers as input and stuff like that)
- api: Automatic exception translation isn't implemented yet
- Some further convenience classes to access nodes and attributes are not implemented yet
- Python objects cannot be stored within scene files yet
The following classes from the Maya 7 SDK are still missing (the new classes
from Maya 8 are missing as well):
- MClothConstraintBridge
- MClothConstraintCmd
- MClothControl
- MClothEdge
- MClothForce
- MClothMaterial
- MClothParticle
- MClothPolyhedron
- MClothSolverRegister
- MClothSystem
- MClothTriangle
- MCursor
- MDrawData
- MFnFluid
- MFnPluginData
- MGeometryData
- MHWShaderSwatchGenerator
- MMeshIsectAccelParams
- MMessageNode
- MPx3dModelView
- MPxComponentShape
- MPxContextCommand
- MPxDragAndDropBehavior
- MPxFluidEmitterNode
- MPxGeometryData
- MPxGeometryIterator
- MPxGlBuffer
- MPxHwShaderNode
- MPxIkSolver
- MPxIkSolverNode
- MPxManipContainer
- MPxMidiInputDevice
- MPxModelEditorCommand
- MPxPolyTrg
- MPxPolyTweakUVCommand
- MPxSelectionContext
- MPxSurfaceShape
- MPxSurfaceShapeUI
- MPxToolCommand
- MPxTransform
- MPxTransformationMatrix
- MRenderCallback
- MSeamInfo
- MSwatchRenderRegister
Release 0.9.3, documentation updated on October 9, 2006.