Custom attributes & primitive variables

This tutorial will explain the different options you have when you want to add custom attributes to objects. You can access custom attributes in your Python code or in RenderMan shaders.

Standard Python attributes

The first and easiest option you have when you want to create a new attribute is the regular Python attribute access. You can add a new attribute just by assigning it to an object:

>>> from cgkit.all import *
>>> s = Sphere()
>>> hasattr(s, "spam")
>>> s.spam = "This is a new attribute"
>>> hasattr(s, "spam")
>>> print s.spam
This is a new attribute

All this is just regular Python stuff that can be used with most Python objects. However, there are a few disadvantages with this approach:

  • The new attribute isn’t animatable via the usual slot mechanism.
  • The C++ part of cgkit (or any external C++ code) can only access the attribute via the Python/C API which will slow it down.
  • You can only store one value per object whereas you might want to store one value per “subobject” such as faces or vertices.

The next sections will tell you how to remedy these deficiencies.

Custom slots

Instead of just creating a regular Python attribute that holds the desired value, you can create a slot that will hold the value. For example, let’s equip the OpenGL point light with an attribute that holds the number of photons to emit (which might be used by an export plugin that exports into a scene description of a global illumination renderer):

>>> lgt = GLPointLight()
>>> lgt.photons_slot = IntSlot(10000)
>>> lgt.addSlot("photons", lgt.photons_slot)

Here, we create an integer slot that will hold a value of 10000 as default value. The last line makes the slot available for everyone else to query:

>>> for s in lgt.iterSlots(): print s
photons                <------ here is our new slot

...[TODO: add a paragraph about how to read and write the value. Future versions of cgkit might automatically make the value available as “photons” attribute. Currently, you have to create this property yourself (by using the slotPropertyCode() function, for example.]...

An export plugin might now test each light source for the photons slot and use its value if it’s available, otherwise it can just use a default value:

if lgt.hasSlot("photons"):
    photons = lgt.photons_slot.getValue()
    photons = default_value

By using a slot class to store the attribute we can now animate the value just like every other value by connecting it with another slot. Furthermore, the attribute is now visible to C++ code and no Python code has to be executed if a C++ component reads or sets the value of the attribute (the C++ code to test for the photons attribute would be quite similar than the above Python example).

Note however, that you can’t use this approach with every object there is. The object has to be a component object (or derived from it such as any world object).

Primitive variables

In the above examples, the new attribute always just carried one value (which might have been a list or a tuple, but even then it’s still just one isolated list or tuple) that belonged to the object where it was added. However, sometimes you want to have a finer granularity when you add an attribute to a geometric object. The value of the attribute might depend on where you actually are on the surface of your geometry. Suppose you want to render an outdoor scene where it’s snowing and you want to store the amount of snow that an object has accumulated. It’s obvious that the amount of snow is not constant all over a surface. Only those surface areas can accumulate snow that “see” the sky, i.e. the snow flakes are not blocked. So if your geometry is a triangle mesh you want to create one variable that stores a different value for every face or vertex of the mesh. This type of variable is called a primitive variable and is a specialty of a GeomObject class. The GeomObject classes have special methods to manipulate primitive variables. Here is an example of a mesh that will get a new “snow” attribute:

>>> m = TriMesh()
>>> m.verts.resize(4)

First, we create an empty mesh and resize the number of vertices so that the new variable will hold some values. Now we create the new “snow” variable:

>>> m.geom.newVariable("snow", VARYING, FLOAT)
>>> for v in m.geom.iterVariables(): print v
('snow', cgkit._core.VarStorage.VARYING, cgkit._core.VarType.FLOAT, 1)

In this case, the variable would hold one floating point value per vertex. It’s one value per vertex as we have declared it as being of storage class VARYING. If you would only want one value per face you would specify UNIFORM. Other possibilities are CONSTANT, VERTEX and USER. When iterating over the variables you just get the declaration as a tuple. The fourth value in the tuple is the multiplicity. Our snow variable just contains one value per vertex. Sometimes you want to store an array per vertex in which case the multiplicity would be greater than 1 (for example, texture coordinates are defined as “varying float[2]”).

You have seen how to create a new primitive variable, but you haven’t seen yet how to read or write the individual values. Calling the newVariable() method will also create a new slot with the same name:

>>> for s in m.geom.iterSlots(): print s

Actually, this is not a regular slot but an array slot. That’s why it can store one value per vertex. From here on, accessing the primitive variable values is not any different from accessing any other array slot:

>>> snow = m.geom.slot("snow")
>>> snow[2] = 0.7
>>> print snow[2]
>>> for v in snow: print v

As you can see you can use an array slot just like a list. The index into the list is the index of the vertex to which the snow value belongs (or in case of UNIFORM variables it would be the face index).

Primitive variables are also available in RenderMan shaders. Whenever you render a scene using the render tool any previously created primitive variable will be attached to the exported geometry. This means, you simply have to declare the variable as parameter of your shader and it will automatically receive the values you’ve set in your Python scene. A shader that uses the above snow value would look like this:

surface snowy( ...other parameters...;
               varying float snow = 0.0; )

Note that you have to use the same storage class and type as before, otherwise you’ll get an error during rendering.

Standard variables

There are a number of standard variables that are used by the various components of cgkit. For example, the viewer tool will use normals, texture coordinates or color values if they are available on a mesh. The following table gives an overview of the standard variables:

Variable Declaration Description
N varying normal Normals
st varying float[2] Texture coordinates
Cs varying color Colors
matid uniform int Material IDs per face

For triangle meshes, there’s the convention that in case of a “varying” variable this variable can also be stored as “user” in which case there must also be a variable “uniform int <name>faces[3]” that contains the value indices for the three vertices. For example, you can either have one “varying float[2] st” variable or a “user float[2] st” variable in addition to the “uniform int stfaces[3]” variable. This enables you to share texture coordinates among vertices. Alternatively, you can also store those variables as “facevarying” variables.

The variable “matid” selects one of the materials of the world object that should be used for a particular face of a triangle mesh.
