Using the grow utility

This tutorial provides a quick introduction into the usage of the utility which you can find in the utilities directory of the source archive. This tool generates uniformly distributed point locations on the surface of one or more objects and calls a user defined function for each such point.

We will start by placing spheres onto the surface of a torus. First, we need the 3D model that is used as input for generating the points. This could be in any file format that cgkit can read. For simplicity, we just create a Python file that contains a torus:

# Demonstrating the grow utility
# File:

# The generated points will lie on the surface of this torus
    major = 1.0,
    minor = 0.3,
    segmentsu = 32,
    segmentsv = 16,
    visible = False

# The following objects are only necessary for rendering:

    pos = (0,-3,2),
    target = (0,0,-0.2),
    fov = 40

    pos = (-2,-3,2),
    target = (0,0,0),
    falloff = 40,
    hotspot = 35,
    shadowed = True,
    shadow_size = 1024,
    shadow_filter = 2.0,
    shadow_bias = 0.001

    filename = "spheres.rib",
    material = RMMaterial( surface = RMShader("plastic"), color=(0.5,1,0.5) )

The torus definition at the beginning would be enough for the grow utility, but we will also use the same file for rendering the result so we already add a camera, a light source and we also include the RIB archive that we will generate later on.

Next, we need a function that processes the generated input points. This function is the equivalent of a shader during rendering. The grow utility itself just generates surface points and some additional data and passes this data to a user defined function where the actual RIB generation (or whatever) takes place. So create a file with the following content:

# Generating spheres
# File:

def proc(P, **keyargs):
    r = 0.02

The name of the function must be identical to the file name. This function simply creates a sphere of radius 0.02 at the generated position.

Finally, we have to tell the grow utility what exactly to do. There are command line options to do so (see --help) but we can save some typing if we stick the options into a file. The parameters are passed via the cgkit Globals() section, so create a file that looks like this (have a look at the top of the file to see a full list of options together with their description):

# Config file for the grow utility
# File:

    proc = "proc",
    numpoints = 10000,
    RIBname = "spheres.rib"

We could have put that data into the file that we already have, but by separating the configuration we can reuse the file for other models. Now everything is ready to run the grow utility:

Loading ""...
Loading ""...
Loading procedure file ""...
Input pattern: "*"
Output RIB file: "spheres.rib"
#Surface points: 10000
Preprocessing object "Torus"...
Converting "st"/"stfaces" into "varying st"...
Surface area: 11.7204074185
Total area: 11.7204074185
Generating 10000 points on "Torus"...
Generation time: 2s

The utility doesn’t distinguish between config file and data file, it just reads anything that cgkit supports and merges the data into the current scene.

The result of running the utility is the file spheres.rib. Now you can render the result using the render tool:


Now let’s have a closer look on the procedure we were using to place the spheres:

def proc(P, **keyargs):
    r = 0.02

The name of the procedure must be specified in the Globals() section using the proc argument. The file where the grow utility is looking for the function must have the same name than the function plus the .py suffix. The function will be called with a number of keyword arguments. In the above example, we were only using the P argument which is the generated surface position as a vec3 object. We also could have used other information such as:

  • P: Surface position (vec3)
  • N: Surface normal (vec3)
  • F: Surface frame (mat4)
  • s,t: Current texture coordinate (if available)

What exactly the procedure does is entirely up to the procedure. Here, we were creating spheres at the position of the surface point. It’s not uncommon though that you want to orient the object along the normal, so that it is properly placed onto the surface of the original object. This can be done either with the normal or just with the F argument which contains the full transformation. For example, the following procedure will place disks that are properly oriented so that their normal is identical to the surface normal. The position of the disk is shifted along the normal by a “random” amount (using the snoise() function):

# Generating disks
# File:

from cgkit.noise import *

def proc2(P, F, **keyargs):
    r = 0.05
    RiDisk(r*snoise(5*P), r, 360)

Using this procedure results in the following image:


Here are some more examples of what can be generated with appropriate procedure functions.



Hair (grown on the Stanford Bunny):


Gaseous stuff emanating from the Utah teapot:


In the first two examples the procedure was generating curves directly on the surface of an object and in the last example it was generating points that were displaced from the surface. When you also use curves or points it is not recommended to stick each curve or point into a separate RiCurves() or RiPoints() primitive as this might slow down the rendering process considerably. Instead your procedure should gather a larger amount of curves/points and use one RiCurves()/RiPoints() primitive for all of them.

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