Author: | Alex Dumitrache ( |
Date: | 2010/05/05 |
This is an interactive example of Newton’s Cradle.
For a simplified version, see the ODEDynamics: Newton Ball Experiment tutorial.
Here is the code:
# Newton's Cradle
# First, some useful functions
def rx(ang):
return mat3(1).rotate(ang, (1,0,0))
def ry(ang):
return mat3(1).rotate(ang, (0,1,0))
def rz(ang):
return mat3(1).rotate(ang, (0,0,1))
def remove(objs):
objs = worldObjects(objs)
for o in objs:
for c in o.iterChilds():
for s in getScene().items:
if type(s) == ODEDynamics:
try: s.remove(o)
except: pass
if type(s) == cgkit._core.WorldObject:
try: s.removeChild(o)
except: pass
# Adjust contact properties and simulation parameters
defaultContactProps = ODEContactProperties(bounce = 1, mu = 1, soft_erp=0.5, soft_cfm=1E-10)
odeSim = ODEDynamics( gravity=9.81, substeps=20, defaultcontactproperties = defaultContactProps, use_quick_step = False)
# Define materials
matRed = GLMaterial(name="Red", diffuse=(1,0,0))
matGreen = GLMaterial(name="Green", diffuse=(0,1,0))
matBlue = GLMaterial(name="Blue", diffuse=(0,0,1))
matCyan = GLMaterial(name="Cyan", diffuse=(0,1,1))
matMagenta = GLMaterial(name="Magenta", diffuse=(1,0,1))
matYellow = GLMaterial(name="Yellow", diffuse=(1,1,0))
matOrange = GLMaterial(name="Orange", diffuse=(1,0.5,0))
matWhite = GLMaterial(name="White", diffuse=(1,1,1))
matGray = GLMaterial(name="Gray", diffuse=(0.5,0.5,0.5))
matBlack = GLMaterial(name="Black", diffuse=(0,0,0))
materials = [matRed, matGreen, matBlue, matCyan, matYellow, matOrange, matMagenta, matWhite, matGray, matBlack]
# The cradle is made of balls, pins and hinge joints
balls = []; pins = []; hinges = []
def createNewCradle(n):
global balls, pins, hinges
print "Creating a cradle with %d balls..." % n
# Remove existing objects from the scene and create the cradle from scratch
remove(balls + pins + hinges)
balls = []; pins = []; hinges = []
# Create 'n' balls and pins, then connect them with hinge joints
for i in range(n):
x = (i-n/2.0) * 0.2
balls.append(Sphere(radius = 0.1, pos = (x, 0, 0), mass = 1, material = materials[i]))
pins.append(CCylinder(radius = 0.01, length = 0.2, rot = rx(pi/2), pos = (x, 0, 1), mass = 1, material = materials[i]))
hinges.append(ODEHingeJoint("Hinge 1", pins[-1], balls[-1], pos = pins[-1].pos, rot = rz(pi/2)))
# Add the bodies to the simulation, and then add the joints
odeSim.add(balls + pins)
# Add Box decorations for each ball (only for rendering, do not add them to ODEDynamics)
for i, s in enumerate(balls):
x = (i-n/2.0) * 0.2
b = Box(pos = (x, 0, 0.5), lx = 0.005, ly = 0.1, lz = 1, material=materials[i])
link(b, s)
# Fix all the pins here
for p in pins:
# By default, create a cradle with 4 balls
# Key press handler
def onKeyPress(K):
if K.key > '0' and K.key <= '9':
if K.key.lower() == 'h':
if K.key.lower() == 'r':
eventmanager.connect(KEY_PRESS, onKeyPress)
print """
Press H to apply an impulse to the red ball
Press R to restart the simulation
Press 1...9 to change the number of balls
# That's it :)
Download the script and run it using:
> python
Apply an impulse to the red balls with H key, change the number of balls with 1 ... 9 and reset the simulation with R.
Now let’s break the code into pieces:
Materials: it is a list of GLMaterial objects; one color for each ball.
The cradle contains n balls, each ball being connected to a fixed pin using a hinge joint.
Steps for creating a new cradle:
- Remove previous cradle from the scene
- Create n balls, pins and hinge joints between each ball-pin pair
- Add the bodies and the joints to the ODEDynamics component
- Create n boxes, which will show the links between each ball and pin
- Use the boxes only for rendering, and attach them to the balls using cgkit function link
- Lock the position of the pins by setting the kinematic state flag for them
By default, create a cradle with 4 balls
Add a handler for keyboard events (keys H, R and 1 ... 9)
Don’t forget to display a short usage help :)