Animation: Animating object attributes

In this tutorial, you will learn how you can make your objects move or change their color (or whatever attribute) over time. The central part of an animation is a slot which represents an individual attribute of an object like the color of a material or the position of a world object. A collection of slots is usually contained within a component. Almost every object you create in your scene will be a component.

Slots & Components

As a component is a container for slots, you can iterate over all slots contained within a component. In the following example, the slots of a sphere world object are examined:

>>> from cgkit.all import *
>>> s=Sphere()
>>> for slot in s.iterSlots(): print slot

Note that these are the slots of the world object and not of the geometry itself. That’s why the radius slot isn’t listed. If you want to see the slots of the geometry you have to investigate the geom attribute (which is also a component):

>>> for slot in s.geom.iterSlots(): print slot

When you iterate over the slots you actually iterate over their names. Once you know a name, you can retrieve the actual slot object via the slot() method:

>>> pos_slot = s.slot("pos")
>>> print pos_slot
Slot at 0x0523f540: value:(0, 0, 0) (class support3d::vec3) flags:0  no controller
  0 dependents:

and, for example, retrieve the value of the slot:


Most components follow the convention that a slot is made available as an attribute <slotname>_slot and its value as <slotname>. So the above way of accessing a slot or its value would only be used if the name of the slot can only be determined at runtime. But usually, you would do something like the following:

>>> s.pos = vec3(1,2,3)
>>> print s.pos
(1, 2, 3)
>>> print s.pos_slot
Slot at 0x0523f540: value:(1, 2, 3) (class support3d::vec3) flags:1  no controller
  0 dependents:

By the way, above was said that the radius slot of the sphere can only be accessed via the geom object and not the world object. That’s true as long as you want to access the slot via the slot() method. But if you access the slot or its value via attribute access, then you can also do that directly on the world object:

>>> s.radius
>>> s.radius_slot
<cgkit._core.DoubleSlot object at 0x091935E0>

Well, it is true that the world object does not have a radius slot, neither a radius attribute. They are actually part of the geom object. But as the geom object and the world object are really tightly coupled, the world object has a little speciality when it comes to attribute lookup. Whenever you try to access an attribute of the world object and this attribute isn’t there, it will first look in the geom object before an exception is generated. So in the above example, you were actually accessing the attributes of the geom object. This means you can turn any world object into a sphere just by assigning it a sphere geometry. Watch this:

>>> w=WorldObject()
>>> w.radius
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "cgkit\", line 108, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError, 'Object "%s" has no attribute "%s"'%(, name)
AttributeError: Object "object" has no attribute "radius"
>>> w.geom = SphereGeom()
>>> w.radius

In fact, the Sphere class is almost the same than the WorldObject class except that it accepts some additional parameters in its constructor that are passed to the sphere geom.

Connecting slots

If two slots are of the same type (i.e. their values are of the same type), then you can create a directed connection between these two slots which will propagate the value from one slot to the other. If slot A is connected to slot B, then slot B will always carry the same value as slot A. In this case, slot A (or rather the component it is contained in) acts as the controller of slot B.

This is already the first way how you can achieve an animation, by connecting appropriate slots. Here is an example (which you have to invoke via the viewer tool, not an interactive shell):

s = Sphere()
e = Expression("(sin(t), 0, 0)")

If you run this example, you see a sphere moving back and forth. So what is happening here? You have created two components, a sphere and an expression component and connected the output slot of the expression to the position slot of the sphere. This means, the position of the sphere will always be the result of evaluating the expression. The expression results in a vec3 whose x component is controlled by the term sin(t) where the special variable t is automatically substituted by the current time. But how does the expression component know what the current time is? And when is the expression actually evaluated? Well, the current time is managed by a global timer component that is always present in every scene. This timer has a time slot containing the current animation time in seconds. The expression automatically connects the time slot of the global timer with its own “t_slot” which carries the value of the variable t (in fact, the expression creates a slot for every variable used in the expression, but the t slot is the only one that gets connected automatically). That’s why t always holds the current time whenever the expression is evaluated. And that’s whenever the value of the expression is required. So the entire update of the sphere’s position happens in two phases. The first phase starts when the timer component increases its time value. Now every slot that directly or indirectly depends on the time value is notified so that these slots know that their current value (each slot has a cache) is not valid anymore. However, the expression is not yet evaluated. This is done in the second phase when the position of the sphere is required (this phase is initiated by the window refresh in the viewer tool or when you read the position of the sphere manually). Now the slot graph is travelled in the opposite direction and each slot asks its controlling slot for the current value. And that’s the time when the expression eventually has to be evaluated.

Note that the sphere was only animated because the expression was connected with the timer. That will be the case for any attribute that is animated. It will either directly or indirectly be tied to the timer component. The timer is the heart beat of the entire scene. Whenever it stops, the entire scene will stand still. This is the reason why the sphere won’t change its position when you type in the above example directly in a Python shell. You will always get the position at time 0s:

>>> from cgkit.all import *
>>> s=Sphere()
>>> e=Expression("(sin(t), 0, 0)")
>>> e.output_slot.connect(s.pos_slot)
>>> print s.pos
(0, 0, 0)
>>> print s.pos
(0, 0, 0)
>>> print s.pos
(0, 0, 0)

When you’re visualizing a scene with the viewer or render tool, it’s the respective tool that increases the current time. In the Python shell you can do that manually:

>>> getScene().timer().step()
>>> print s.pos
(0.0399893, 0, 0)

Writing your own components

In some cases you might get away with the components provided by the cgkit for creating an animation, but in other cases you just have to provide your own controller to get things move the way you want them to move.

One way of doing so, is to write your own component that has the necessary number of input and output slots and then connect the output slots with the objects that you want to animate.

Functional components

If your controller is functional, i.e. you can basically write one function that takes a few inputs and creates the desired output value, then you can actually have cgkit create the component for you. You only have to provide the function. Here is an example:

# A controller function that takes the average of two vec3 values
def average(a=vec3(), b=vec3()):
    return 0.5*(a+b)

# Turn the function into a component
Average = createFunctionComponent(average)

# Create two green spheres that are animated by an expression
s1 = Sphere( radius=0.1, material=GLMaterial(diffuse=(0,1,0)))
Expression("(sin(2*t), cos(3*t), sin(t))").output_slot.connect(s1.pos_slot)

s2 = Sphere( radius=0.1, material=GLMaterial(diffuse=(0,1,0)))
Expression("(cos(3*t), sin(t), sin(2*t))").output_slot.connect(s2.pos_slot)

# Create a red sphere that will always lie between the green spheres
# using the above Average component
s3 = Sphere( radius=0.1, material=GLMaterial(diffuse=(1,0,0)))
av = Average()

The function createFunctionComponent() takes a function and returns a component class that wraps that function. The component will have a slot for each parameter used in the function and will provide its output on the output_slot. In this case, the types of the input slots are automatically determined by the default values of the function. The type of the output value is determined by evaluating the function using its default values and inspecting the return value.

Note: Be careful to use the exact type for your default values. In particular, do not specify an integer value if your parameter is actually a float parameter. If you do, the created slot will be an integer slot instead of a float slot.

Later in the example, an instance of the Average class is created and the input slots are connected with the positions of the green spheres and the output slot drives the position of the red sphere.

You could also use the special variable time (type: float) in your controller function. The corresponding slot will automatically be connected to the global timer.

By the way, the above example could also have been written using an expression:

s3 = Sphere( radius=0.1, material=GLMaterial(diffuse=(1,0,0)))
e = Expression("0.5*(a+b)", a=vec3(), b=vec3())

However, you have more freedom in a function where you can also use statements. Writing a more complex example is left as an exercise for the reader.

Generic components

Whenever your controller is more complex and can’t be written as a single function you have to consider writing your own component class. For the sake of simplicity, we will write the above Average component without using createFunctionComponent(). Here is the entire example:

class Average(Component):

    def __init__(self, name="Average", auto_insert=True):
        Component.__init__(self, name=name, auto_insert=auto_insert)

        # Create the input slots
        self.a_slot = Vec3Slot()
        self.b_slot = Vec3Slot()
        # Create the output slot
        self.output_slot = ProceduralVec3Slot(self.computeOutput)

        # Add the slots to the component
        self.addSlot("a", self.a_slot)
        self.addSlot("b", self.b_slot)
        self.addSlot("output", self.output_slot)

        # Set up slot dependencies

    def computeOutput(self):
        return 0.5*(self.a+self.b)

    # Create value attributes
    exec slotPropertyCode("a")
    exec slotPropertyCode("b")
    exec slotPropertyCode("output")

s1 = Sphere( radius=0.1, material=GLMaterial(diffuse=(0,1,0)))
Expression("(sin(2*t), cos(3*t), sin(t))").output_slot.connect(s1.pos_slot)

s2 = Sphere( radius=0.1, material=GLMaterial(diffuse=(0,1,0)))
Expression("(cos(3*t), sin(t), sin(2*t))").output_slot.connect(s2.pos_slot)

s3 = Sphere( radius=0.1, material=GLMaterial(diffuse=(1,0,0)))
av = Average()

Now we’ll walk through the example step by step.

class Average(Component):

Every component class has to be subclassed from the Component base class which already defines a few methods such as the iterSlots() method, for example.

def __init__(self, name="Average", auto_insert=True):
    Component.__init__(self, name=name, auto_insert=auto_insert)

The constructor takes the basic arguments that are passed to the constructor of the base class. The first argument is the name of the component instance and the second is a flag that determines if the component instance will be added to the scene automatically or not. If it’s part of the scene, it’s visible to other objects.

# Create the input slots
self.a_slot = Vec3Slot()
self.b_slot = Vec3Slot()
# Create the output slot
self.output_slot = ProceduralVec3Slot(self.computeOutput)

Here, the actual slot objects are created. For each value type, there’s a separate slot object. The most common slots are:

  • BoolSlot
  • IntSlot
  • DoubleSlot
  • Vec3Slot
  • Vec4Slot
  • Mat3Slot
  • Mat4Slot
  • QuatSlot

Each of the above is also available in an array version (such as DoubleArraySlot, Vec3ArraySlot, ...). An array slot can hold an array of a value or an array of fixed arrays of a particular value. For example, a TriMeshGeom stores its vertices as an array slot of vec3 and the faces as an array slot of int[3].

Another flavor of slots are the procedural slots. Normal slots can either serve as input or output whereas a procedural slot can only serve as output because its value is procedurally computed. In our example, the procedure is the computeOutput() method.

# Add the slots to the component
self.addSlot("a", self.a_slot)
self.addSlot("b", self.b_slot)
self.addSlot("output", self.output_slot)

These three lines add the slots to the component. It’s not vital to do so, but it allows other code to find out what slots are available (via iterSlots(), for example).

# Set up slot dependencies

Now these lines are really important as they establish the dependencies between the slots in this component. In our example, the output slot depends on the values of the input slots. If you wouldn’t set up these dependencies the output slot would never invalidate its cache and the computeOutput() method would only be called once and then never again.

def computeOutput(self):
    return 0.5*(self.a+self.b)

This is the actual procedure that computes the value of the output slot. Note that in this example, the method uses the attribute a and b which have not been created in the constructor. However, they are defined nevertheless because of the next three lines:

# Create value attributes
exec slotPropertyCode("a")
exec slotPropertyCode("b")
exec slotPropertyCode("output")

These lines create the properties a, b and output which will access the appropriate slots. The slotPropertyCode() function assumes that the corresponding names are called a_slot, b_slot and output_slot.

The rest of the example just uses the component class by instancing it and connecting the slots.

Note: A slot object does not depend on a component class. The component is really just a container for the slots. So you can also use slots in classes that are not derived from Component. In that case, the above example would almost look the same, except that Average would not be derived from Component and that the addSlot() calls had to be left out. So if you don’t need that your class is visible to other objects and that you can query the available slots at runtime you can also decide not to use the component stuff and keep your code a little bit simpler.

Using the STEP_FRAME event for animation

So far, all animations were directly driven by the time slot of the global timer component. But what if you want to control an object and the time dependency is not as straightforward as before? For example, you may want to respond to user interactions or do a simulation which needs values of the previous frames to compute the state of the next frame.

In such cases you can have cgkit call a function or method whenever a new frame starts. This is achieved via the event manager that allows you to connect functions or methods to arbitrary events. Whenever an event occurs the event manager calls all functions that have been connected to that event. In our case, it’s the STEP_FRAME event that’ll do the trick. This event occurs whenever the time value in the timer component is increased. Here is an example:

def spam():
    print "Spam & eggs"

eventmanager.connect(STEP_FRAME, spam)

If you invoke this script via the viewer tool you’ll notice that the string “Spam & eggs” is continuously printed to the console (one line per frame). Now instead of printing garbage you could just as well modify some objects in your scene:

sphere = Sphere()

def spam():
    global sphere
    sphere.pos = vec3(sin(timer.time), 0, 0)

eventmanager.connect(STEP_FRAME, spam)

This is a quick (and somewhat dirty) way to get things moving. Note however, that this method has a couple of drawbacks:

  1. The spam function needs to know the objects it is modifying.
  2. The generated value can not be passed to other objects as well (whereas slots can have an arbitrary number of outgoing connections).
  3. The value is generated even when it isn’t required (such as when the sphere is invisible).

It would be better to use a combined method of using slots and the STEP_FRAME event. Instead of setting the position of the sphere directly, the function could set the value on a slot which is then connected to the sphere. Another possibility would be to write a class that has slots but isn’t directly connected to the timer component. Instead, it responds to the STEP_FRAME event where it updates its slots and its internal state accordingly. For example, this approach could be used for a robot control class that stores the internal state of the entire robot and that provides slots containing the transformations for the individual parts of the robot. These slots can then be connected to the visual representation of the robot which lets you see what the robot is doing.
