Materials: How to change the visual appearance of your objects


A Material object is what determines an object’s visual appearance. This includes the color of the object at a particular point on the surface (or within the volume inside the object) but it may also include the illumination model that’s applied to determine the final pixel color.

How a material is properly described is highly dependent on the renderer that is used for producing the output image. For example, a RenderMan renderer allows the user to specify little code fragments, so called shaders, that compute the final surface color whereas an interactive OpenGL visualization has only a small set of parameters that define the visual appearance.

As cgkit is independent from any particular renderer, it doesn’t enforce a particular way to describe materials. That’s why the most basic material class called Material is rather limited in its functionality. Well, in fact, it does nothing except storing a name that identifies the material (this is already enough for the OGRE viewer that uses the material name as a reference to an external OGRE specific material script). Every other material class that has additional functionality is a specialized material that is usually targeted at a particular renderer. The GLMaterial class represents the standard OpenGL illumination model and the set of parameters that OpenGL provides and is the material of choice if you want to visualize your scene using the standard viewer tool. The Material3DS represents the material as stored in 3DS files (and the illumination model of 3D Studio), the OBJMaterial stores the material definition of the materials that come along with Wavefront OBJ files. The RIB exporter, which is used when the scene is rendered by a RenderMan renderer, has a rather flexible framework to create RenderMan shaders on the fly from material objects. When the illumination model of a material is known and can be written in the RenderMan Shading Language it is possible to have the RIB exporter generate appropriate shaders. This is why the GLMaterial, Material3DS and OBJMaterial objects can also be used in conjunction with RenderMan. The shader generated from the OpenGL material will simulate the OpenGL lighting model, producing the same image than OpenGL would have produced (with the difference that RenderMan will shade every pixel instead of only every vertex). The 3DS shader on the other hand will approximate the lighting model that 3D Studio has used (note that this is 3D Studio, not 3D Studio MAX, so the Material3DS class only represents a small subset of what MAX can do). Of course, when using RenderMan you can also use the special RenderMan material called RMMaterial and specify your own shaders.

Assigning materials

cgkit allows you to assign an arbitrary number of materials to one object. During object construction you can pass a single material or a sequence of materials via the material argument. Alternatively, you can use the setNumMaterials() and setMaterial() methods of the WorldObject base class.

# Demonstrate how to assign materials:

mat1 = GLMaterial(diffuse=(1,0,0))
mat2 = GLMaterial(diffuse=(0,1,0))

# Assigning one single material
Box( material = mat1 )

# Assigning several materials at once
Box( material = [mat1, mat2] )

# Assigning materials after object creation
b = Box()

b = Box()
b.setMaterial(mat1, 0)
b.setMaterial(mat2, 1)

If an object has one material assigned the entire object will be rendered using this material. But what if several materials are assigned? The builtin functionality in cgkit uses the convention that the material is selected by the primitive variable "uniform int matid". When used on a TriMesh for example, you can assign each triangle a different material. If the variable matid is not present, the first material is used for the entire object and all additional materials are ignored.

# Demonstrate how to *use* more than one material per object:

    pos = (0.3, -0.5, 1)

    pos = (2, -3, 1.5),
    fov = 30

# Create a box that has two materials assigned. The first material
# is green, the second is red.
b = Box(
    material = [ GLMaterial(diffuse=(0,1,0)),
                 GLMaterial(diffuse=(1,0,0)) ]
# Convert the box to a trimesh object
# Now create a new int variable "matid" on the trimesh
b.geom.newVariable("matid", UNIFORM, INT)
# Get the corresponding array slot and set the first two indices to 1
# (all other indices are still 0 by default).
# This means the first two triangles in the mesh will use the red material.
matids = b.geom.slot("matid")
matids[0] = 1
matids[1] = 1

The above code produces the following image:


The GLMaterial class

This section demonstrates the usage of the GLMaterial class which represents the parameters and the lighting model of standard OpenGL v1.x (version 2 features such as shaders are not yet supported). This material class is intended for use with the standard OpenGL viewer tool. However, it can also be used for RenderMan output.

The material is composed of four separate colors:

  • Ambient color
  • Diffuse color
  • Specular color
  • Emission color

The diffuse color is what you colloquially refer to the color of an object. The color components are the coefficients for the diffuse reflection part in the lighting model, i.e. light that is impinging on the surface is scattered equally in all directions which makes the visual appearance independent on the position of the viewer. So for example, if you specify a diffuse color of (1,0,0) then only the red component of the impinging light is reflected and the green and blue components are absorbed. As a result, the object appears to be red.

The ambient color brightens up an object by a constant factor that is the product of the ambient color of the material and the ambient color of the light sources. You can use the ambient color to brigten up areas that are not illuminated and would appear in black.

Here is an example script ( that demonstrates the difference between ambient and diffuse color:

# Ambient color vs diffuse color

    pos = (0,-10,0),
    fov = 30

    pos = (0,-1,1),
    ambient = (1,1,1),
    diffuse = (1,1,1),

for i in range(5):
    v = i/4.0
    for j in range(5):
        u = j/4.0
        Sphere(pos = (j-2,0,i-2),
               radius = 0.3,
               segmentsu = 128,
               segmentsv = 64,
               material = GLMaterial(ambient = u*vec3(0.5,0.5,1),
                                     diffuse = v*vec3(1,0.5,0.5)))

From left to right, the ambient color is changing from black to light blue. From bottom to top, the diffuse color is changing from black to red. Note that in the above example the ambient color of the light source was set to white so that the effect of the ambient color of the material can clearly be seen.

When only the diffuse (and ambient) color is used the objects will always appear with a dull surface. If you want them to appear more polished and shiny you can utilise the specular color. When an object has a shiny appearance the light that falls on the surface is mainly reflected into the reflection direction. Such objects have highlights which are actually the reflected light sources. In addition to the specular color, which determines the color of the highlight, you also have to specify how shiny a surface is, i.e. how large the highlight will be.


From left to right the shininess is 5, 25, 45, 65 and 85. From bottom to top the specular color goes from the same color than the diffuse color to white.

Finally, there is the emission color which is almost the same than the ambient color, it is just that it doesn’t need any light. So it is really just a constant that’s added to the final pixel color.


In OpenGL transparency is achieved by a technique called alpha blending. Without alpha blending an object replaces the pixels in the framebuffer if it is nearer than what has been rendered up to that point. But when alpha blending is enabled an output pixel is a weighted sum of the existing pixel in the framebuffer and the newly calculated pixel color. How exactly these two colors are combined can be specified by the user via the blend factors (see glBlendFunc).

To achieve a transparency effect you can use the 4th component of a color, the so called alpha value. This value specifies the opacity of an object when used with the following blend factors: (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA). There is a transparency example in the next section about texture mapping.

Note: Alpha blending can currently only be used in certain situations. To render transparent objects correctly the triangles that make up the object have to be sorted so that they are drawn from back to front. The standard viewer currently doesn’t do that. It only guarantees that an object with alpha blending enabled will be drawn after an object without alpha blending. Basically this means transparent objects shouldn’t overlap on screen and the objects should be convex (and backface culling has to be enabled).


Instead of using one single color for the entire object (or for every vertex of an object) you can map an image onto the object. Here is a simple example (, uvmap.png) where a box is textured using an image file.

# Texture mapping example

    material = GLMaterial(
                  texture = GLTexture(imagename="uvmap.png")

The following image is used as texture map (the numbers in the corners are the texture coordinates):


And the final image looks like this:


The texture is described via a GLTexture object and is passed to the material using the texture parameter. The GLTexture contains all the parameter that influence the appearance of the texture. This includes the image itself (either a filename, a PIL image or the raw RGB data), the mipmap settings, an image transformation, etc. Additionally, the object that is being textured has to have texture coordinates assigned. This means, every vertex not only requires a 3D position, but also a “position” inside the texture map, i.e. the 2D texture coordinate. A box has default texture coordinates, that’s why the above example did already work without explicitly assigning texture coordinates. However, it you have a triangle mesh for example, then you have to set texture coordinates via the primitive variable called “st” (see the last section in the tutorial Custom attributes & primitive variables). Usually, you’ll also assign texture coordinates in the same modeling package you’ve used to create the model in the first place.

You also have the option to modify the placement of the texture without touching the texture coordinates and that’s via the transform parameter of the texture. This parameter takes a 4x4 matrix as input which specifies a transformation that will be applied to the texture coordinates. This way, you can move, scale or rotate an image on an object. The following example is a modification of the above example where the image is shrunk by 1/3 (i.e. the texture coordinates are multiplied by 3).

# Texture mapping example

    material = GLMaterial(
                  texture = GLTexture(
                                imagename = "uvmap.png",
                                transform = mat4().scaling(vec3(3,3,3))

You might have noticed that in the above examples the box wasn’t illuminated anymore. That’s the default mode of a texture, the decal mode, where the color value in the image is directly used as output. There are three more modes. The following example ( shows three of the four modes:

# Texture mapping example

    pos = (0, -15, 2),
    fov = 30

    pos = (-0.2, -1, 0.5)

    pos = (-3,0,0),
    material = GLMaterial(
                  texture = GLTexture(
                                imagename = "uvmap.png",
                                mode = GL_DECAL

    pos = (0,0,0),
    material = GLMaterial(
                  diffuse = (1,1,1),
                  texture = GLTexture(
                                imagename = "uvmap.png",
                                mode = GL_MODULATE

    pos = (3,0,0),
    material = GLMaterial(
                  diffuse = (1,0,0),
                  texture = GLTexture(
                                imagename = "uvmap.png",
                                mode = GL_BLEND,
                                texenvcolor = (1,1,0)

The leftmost object uses the default GL_DECAL mode which means neither the light source nor the base color of the object is taken into account. The object in the middle uses the GL_MODULATE mode. In this case, the object is shaded as if the texture wasn’t there and the resulting color is multiplied by the texture color. When used with a white base color you just get an illuminated version of the textured object. The rightmost object uses the GL_BLEND mode. Here, the texture color is used as a weight to blend between the normal (illuminated) object color without texture and the color passed in via the texenvcolor parameter. In the above example the base color of the object is red and the texenvcolor is yellow. This means wherever the input texture is dark (e.g. the grid lines), the red base color will shine through and wherever the texture image is bright, the yellow texenvcolor will dominate. The fourth mode would be GL_REPLACE, but with RGB images (without alpha) the result is the same than GL_DECAL.

The next example (, alphatex.png) uses an image map that also contains alpha values which are used for masking out certain regions of the image. This is done with alpha blending which is activated by specifiying the blend_factors parameter with the appropriate factors.

# Alpha blending example

from OpenGL.GL import *
import Image, ImageDraw

    pos = (0,-3,0),
    fov = 30

    # Rotate the plane so that it lies in the XZ plane
    rot = mat3().fromEulerXYZ(radians(90), 0, 0),

    material = GLMaterial(
                  diffuse = (1,1,1,1),
                  blend_factors = (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
                  texture = GLTexture(
                                imagename = "alphatex.png",
                                internalformat = GL_RGBA,
                                mode = GL_REPLACE,
                                # mirror the image
                                transform = mat4().scaling(vec3(1, -1, 1))

# Set some spheres as background
mat = GLMaterial(diffuse=(0.8,0.8,1.0), emission=(0.3,0.3,0.3))
for i in range(5):
    for j in range(5):
        x = 0.3*(i-2)
        y = 0.3*(j-2)
        Sphere(pos=(x, 2, y), radius=0.2, material=mat, segmentsu=32, segmentsv=16)

Finally, you can also apply image maps as environment maps. The difference to regular texture mapping is the way that colors are looked up from the image map. So far, you had to specify texture coordinates to map an image onto a surface. But you can also have OpenGL calculate the texture coordinates automatically by assuming that the image is mapped onto a sphere with infinite radius that surrounds the scene. OpenGL will then calculate the reflection direction and check which color lies in that direction and use this color for texturing. The resulting image looks as if the object mirrors its environment (i.e. the content of the image). All you have to do to activate environment mapping is setting the parameter environment_map of the GLTexture object to True and that’s it.

mat = GLMaterial(
    diffuse = (1,1,1),
    texture = GLTexture(
                imagename = "environment.jpg",
                environment_map = True,